CentOS, openVZ and something about Quota

Kategorien: IT

New update, new kernel, reboot. A normal process in an adminlife. But suddenly you will see this after rebooting the host system

CentOS_openVZ_Host:/root# vzctl start 1337
Starting container...
vzquota : (error) Quota on syscall for id 1337: File exists
vzquota : (error) Native quota is already running for this partition.
vzquota on failed [3]

Mhmm…it was working 2 minutes ago…let’s have a look.

On my host system was the os quota enabled. So i have to disable the OS quota by running

CentOS_openVZ_Host:/root# which quotaoff
CentOS_openVZ_Host:/root# quotaoff -av

(more informatio about enabling and disabling quota on CentOS https://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/5.2/Deployment_Guide/s2-disk-quota-enabling.html )

After this you can restart your openVZcontainer.

You can disable quota in your /etc/fstab for each mountpoint too.


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