I am back…or I had never left ;-)

Kategorien: News

…well…about 5 years ago, I stopped writing on my blog.

Why? Well, I don’t really knwo, maybe it was about some things changed in my live. We bought 2 houses, got another child, and we had to recorganize our/my life.

Suddenly we had to handle 2 kids…a condo, 2 houses and our jobs. So, there was no time to care about my blog.

I’m sorry for this, because I saw a lot of interesting things in the last 5 years.


That’s a long time, our little daughter was growing up, we finished our house by a complete renew inside, the roof is still in progress, the roofer is still not answering my qustions about an offer. Anyways, that’s the typical way of a „german Handwerker“. He just needs some more time….

When you ask about, what exactly did you do in this long time, I had to answer, a lot of other important stuff, which was more important than writing my/a blog.

The darkside of this decision, damn, I should had write down my experiences/life/blog on this long time, to get better information about this time. The other view on this, it’s ok, so I had more time to handle everything else than this blog, I think you got what I meant.

But now, I will try to continue, sorry, I will continue writing intersting things down on this blog, as usual.

At the same time I’m writing this here, 1 or 2 other blog articles are already written down and will be published soon.



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