Installing Freenas on a HP N40L with an usb stick

Kategorien: IT

The most important thing is, RTFM! I tried several times to write the regular freenas .iso image to a usb stick by for example:

dd if=FreeNAS-8.2.0-RELEASE-x64.img of=/dev/disk2 bs=64k

Round about 10 times…
A short break and a movie later my head was clean again. I was searching on the documentation website of Freenas. And there i found:

…you saved the downloaded .xz file….

But i had never downloaded a .xz file, just only an .iso file *head-> table*

So after downlaoding the FreeNAS-8.2.0-RELEASE-p1-x64.img.xz file and unzipping with Keka the dd process was fine…and the stick is bootable, finally!


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